Welcoming our student cohort of 2022!

We are very excited to welcome our second ever student cohort onto campus this week! We also look forward to seeing our existing students return as they embark on their second year of study.
Almost tripling our student population, 44 new TEDI-London students have joined us this year – with a few more expected to arrive for the start of term – to train as engineers of the future. Like our founding cohort, – who enrolled this time last year – our new first year cohort brings students from a diverse range of backgrounds, comprising of 35% female students, 27% mature students and 4 international students. This aligns with our mission – and the mission of our founding partners – to bridge the diversity gap within the industry so that engineered products and solutions can better represent the needs of the societies they serve.
During their welcome week, our new students have been attending on-campus induction and social events to help them settle into life as TEDI-London students, as well as freshers events and fairs with King’s College London student union (KCLSU). They have also been trained on how to use the tools and machinery in our purpose-built makerspaces safely, to prepare them for a degree in Global Design Engineering.
“We are thrilled to welcome both our new and existing students onto campus for the next academic year and to grow our TEDI-London community. It was a joy to see our founding cohort go from strength to strength in their knowledge, practical skill, and confidence last year, and I look forward to seeing our new students go on a similar journey in their first year and beyond. To our 2022 cohort: I wish you a warm welcome and all the best as you start this exciting new chapter with us.”
Professor Judy Raper, Dean & CEO at TEDI-London.
During their first year, students will study topics ranging from prototyping and modelling and simulation, to reverse engineering and designing for smart cities. This year’s project focus is the “right to repair”, which will highlight to students the importance of reducing the amount of electronic waste produced globally, and encourage them to take action. Throughout their time at TEDI-London, they will learn and apply key principles from a variety of engineering specialisms through a blend of online modules via our virtual learning environment, teaching workshops, and hands-on sessions in our makerspaces. Learning through projects will also help them develop other crucial workplace skills, like problem-solving, teamwork, and presenting ideas to different audiences. As well as the TEDI-London academic team, students will benefit from the support of our Visiting Professors and industry partners, who not only co-design and deliver our projects, but also provide masterclasses and valuable project feedback.
Interested in studying with us? Find out how to apply for a place in 2023.
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