3 golden tips for choosing a university course

Choosing a university course can be a really daunting time. From thinking about which career paths certain subjects could lead to, to how far away your chosen university is from home, there’s a lot to consider.
If you’re still struggling to make a decision, there are a few things you can do to help. We caught up with our Admissions Manager, Clare, to find out her top tips for picking the best option for you.
Attend Open Days
Open Days are arguably your best opportunity to learn more about each university you are interested in. Most Open Days will give you a chance to see the university in action, meet current students, academics and admissions staff.
During your visit, you can find out about the course content in greater detail, to make sure that the subject you have in mind is going to be right choice. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about career options, how you’d be assessed, and how many contact hours you’d have each week. Remember, Open Days are there to help you, so take advantage! You can also familiarise yourself with the area and find out about local accommodation. You should leave with a good sense of how well you will fit in if you choose to study there.
Clare’s top tip: Prepare a list of set questions to ask at each university. Being able to directly compare the pros and cons of each institution will help with decision making later down the line.
Research, research, research…
Researching courses and universities can be overwhelming. With so many online guides and toolkits to use, you can be left wondering if you have the right information from the right source. As a general rule, the institution’s own website and the UCAS website will be your best resources for the most relevant and up to date information.
UCAS and UK University Search also organise some excellent careers events around the country – a one stop shop for meeting university representatives, attending subject specific presentations and getting to know exactly what is out there.
Clare’s top tip: If you get the chance to go to careers or universities event with school or college, go! If not, most schools will allow you to take time out of classes to go to these events. Ask your teacher or careers advisor for help with booking!
Remember to ask for help!
With so much on offer, it can be hard to make your decisions. Shortlisting options can leave you with a dreaded sense of FOMO and doubt. Asking for help from your teachers, school careers team, family members and friends can help you identify the aspects of study that are most important to you and where you can find them.
If you are planning to attend a university Open Day or careers event, it can be really useful to take a friend or family member with you. They may come up with additional questions to ask or be able to remind you of details you might’ve forgotten. After all, there is a lot to take in, so you’ll retain more collectively than on your own!
Clare’s top tip: The ‘right’ university, is the right university for you – it’s not all about league tables and prestige. Try to find the course and place where you’ll be happiest. Remember – it’s your choice!
Need help deciding whether TEDI-London could be the right university for you? Get in touch to book an online admissions clinic to speak 1-2-1 with a member of our admissions team.
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