Safeguarding and Prevent
Reporting a safeguarding concern
In an emergency you should always contact 999
If you would like to make an anonymous report then please use our anonymous reporting form. It is open for the local community, staff and students to make an anonymous and confidential report.
For all other safeguarding queries please email
See our Safeguarding and Freedom of Speech policies on our Policy page.
The Prevent Duty
TEDI-London is committed to providing support to all students and staff and it recognises that its duty to prevent anyone at risk from being drawn into terrorism is no different to safeguarding individuals or assisting anyone with any other type of welfare need.
In delivering our Prevent Duty we wish to emphasise the use of existing TEDI-London processes providing welfare, support and advice to students or staff. This is not about identifying ‘extremism’ but identifying general behaviour changes that may indicate individuals require many different types of support.
All TEDI-London Safeguarding (including The Prevent Duty) is overseen by the Director of Resources who reports on a regular basis to senior management and to the TEDI-London Board. TEDI-London has ensured that all members of staff are aware of the requirements of The Prevent Duty and training forms part of the induction process for new staff members.
- We have a risk assessment and an action plan on the duty and this forms part of our regular risk management updates and reporting at TEDI-London.
- We have undertaken specific activities relating to IT facilities including a reference to Prevent in our IT Usage Policy. This also sets out the purposes for which we monitor and record the use of our IT facilities. We also have the capacity in place for web filtering and have alerts in place for specific things.
- We have in place a freedom of speech code of practice which includes procedures for the engagement of external speakers to ensure these do not promote extremist views that risk drawing people into terrorism while balancing our legal duties in terms of ensuring freedom of speech and academic freedom, and also protecting student and staff welfare.
- All students will have a Personal Tutor, assigned at the start of their programme. All Personal Tutors (& wider staff across TEDI-London) will be trained in our Safeguarding & Prevent processes which are underpinned by our Student Safeguarding Policy.
- We have engaged with other partners such as the Department for Education and the local council (Southwark) to share information about vulnerable individuals and local emerging issues.
- We have arranged for the provision of chaplaincy and pastoral support via King’s College London.
- Welfare and advice for students will be provided by the TEDI-London Student Hub. This will also be supported by the King’s College London Student Union.